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Program Outline for 8mph in 8 Weeks!

Writer's picture: Mike HansenMike Hansen

When it comes to designing a goal oriented fitness program you want to take 8 things into factor.

1. What is your goal? Here are a few things to think about when setting goals.

Don't set your expectations too high. I've been over 110mph before, so I am pretty confident I can get back there.

I have worked out pretty much my entire life and absolutely LOVE to challenge myself, so I know I can do this.

I have had clients come to me and tell me they want to lose 40 pounds in the next month, my answer? Which leg do you want cut off. So be realistic!

So, set realistic goals, and go from there!

2. What have you done in the past? If you have constant aches and pains and haven't worked out much, then we need to ease into this thing, start with some basics.

I'm about to jump all in, get crazy, have fun! I can't wait to get started! But, I've lived it. Since I can remember I've pushed myself pretty hard and thrive off of it. If you're someone that doesn't like to sweat or feel pain, then let's take it slow, and that is NOTHING to be ashamed of.

I'm not saying you can't do this, I'm just saying start with a goal of a few MPH and go from there. Don't get me wrong I am a huge believer in setting lofty goals, but please, please don't set yourself up for failure! Do what you can!

3. TIME! We all have 24 hours in a day. Sometimes mine feel like a chauffeur, or a flag football coach. But listen, I have a choice and I wouldn't trade my time with my kids and wife for the world.

That being said, I have to make time for me, and that time is usually before the sun comes up, or after the kids are in bed.

Yes, I do work in a gym, but making sure client accounts are up to date, or the online training program I promised my client is posted, or the phone calls I need to make are made. Not to mention the clients I need train, those kinda take away from my time in the gym for me. So I need to schedule that gym time, just like you need to do.

4. Equipment- I am not lying to you when I tell you the first gym I ever built was in my parents "extra" garage in Indiana when I was just 12 years old. I had a bench, some dumbbells, my buddy's mom's stationary bike, and a couple full length mirrors so I can see my biceps flex, and I trained the neighborhood kids for a $1.

I learned from an early age that a lot of equipment should not hold you back from a workout program.

Every "functional" program has solidified my take on this. Especially when it comes to golf fitness and getting more yards with your driver. I am here to tell you, after seeing thousands of clients, that flexibility, coordination, and exercises you can do with ZERO equipment is going to help you swing faster.

The bottom line is, the lack of equipment should NEVER be an excuse for not being able to bomb the driver.

NEXT! Whatcha Gonna Do?

1. SuperSpeed Golf! Why, because it works! Hands down, the single best product I've seen to get speed results.

2. Gym Time! Your body is by far the #1 piece of equipment you'll ever use and if it's not working, then you're in big trouble!

3. Mobility! Like I said above, want to swing it faster? You need to get more mobile and create efficiency in your body. I've seen some really strong dudes come in the gym, and after a few weeks of mobility training, have gained some big time speed.

4. Cardio/Speed! Get that heart rate up and just move faster, you'll see it in the swing. Want to feel and look better (like I do) add some cardio to your program

Want to see details? Fill out the form on this page and I'll add you to the list of recipients of the program details. Sets, Reps, Time, all that good stuff.

Remember, I am me and you are you. So what I am doing may not be what you need to do, but from my experience, you have to do something and this isn't a bad place to start!

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