I took a local teaching pro through our golf fitness movement assessment. I uncovered his physical limitations and which faults they could cause in his swing.
We put it all on video so you could get an in depth look at what we do, and how the assessment process helps us help you.
Want to take yourself through an assessment we have a step by step video on our YouTube channel here.
Interested in an assessment? Let us know, we'd love to help you get your game in shape.
Want to skip to a certain limitation?
2:55 Hip Turns
4:10 Shoulder Turns
5:20 Pelvic Tilt
6:55 Overhead Deep Squat
11:05 Ankle Mobility
12:16 Balance
14:30 Internal & External Hip Rotation
18:05 Thoracic Spine Rotation (shoulder rotation)
19:27 External Shoulder Rotation
22:37 Cervical Rotation
24:40 Lat Mobility
27:06 Glute Activation Assessment
28:54 Wrist & Forearm Mobility
31:22 Conclusion