I have been spending a lot more time at the golf course lately. I have prioritized golf a little more and the most incredible thing happened this Summer, my daughters 14 & 8 have decided they want to play golf! So, getting them lessons, taking them on the course, and time putting and hitting balls on the range adds up.
I have been hearing a lot of people on the range:
“My back hurts”
“My body doesn’t move like that”
“I can’t believe how bad I suck” (I hear that one a lot)
“I don’t think I will ever hit it very far” (I hate hearing that one)
Anyway, you get the point.
I firmly believe that fitness will help, I know it’s not the end-all, cure-all, but I have seen it work. Time after Time after Time!
Most people I talk to use these excuses:
“I don’t have the time” or I don’t have enough equipment” or “I don’t know what to do”
So, I made a video
The top 3 exercises for your game, no equipment needed!!
While you’re there, subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos!